Beaver Family Connections

Beaver Family Connections

Monthly on Tuesdays, 12:00-1:00, MU 207 (lunch provided)
2024-2025 SCHEDULE

Enjoy lunch and connect with other OSU parents and caregivers as we explore interesting topics and discussions related to child development, parenting, and family health and well-being. Topics will span from infancy through high school and are presented by local experts in the field. For accommodations or if you have ideas for a future topic or speaker, please contact Cari Maes at 541-737-4906 or [email protected]


Click on the links below for information that has been shared at some of our past Beaver Family Connection presentations!

April 9, 2024: Sparking Early Literacy with Corvallis Public Library (Early Literacy Specialist)

February 13, 2024: "Tips for Eating More Whole Grains" with OSU's Moore Family Center

November 14, 2023: Preparing Your Family for Emergencies-presented by Benton County Emergency Mgmt/BCERT

October 24, 2023: How to Make the Most of Parent-Teacher Conferences/Communication by Paul Bradley

February 11, 2020: Make Parenting a Pleasure- presented by Joy Keiser

October 8, 2019: Kindergarten Readiness- presented by Dr. Megan McClelland

May 22, 2018: Getting Your Family Outdoors- presented by Josh Norris & Ryan Brown

February 13, 2018: Bullying 101- presented by Dr. Farrah Dalal

January 16, 2018: Social Media & Technology- presented by Tasha Randall Galardi

November 21, 2017: Tools & Strategies to Practice Emotional Intelligence- presented by Shauna Tominey (additional resources here)

October 17, 2017: Balancing Your Family's Schedule- presented by Kelly Davis

May 24, 2017: Getting Your Family Outdoors- presented by Josh Norris & Ryan Brown

October 19, 2016: Teen Drinking & Marijuana Use- presented by Jay VanDenBogaard