Student Financial Resources

OSU Student Child Care Assistance- Corvallis campus

Are you enrolled in courses during the fall through the Corvallis campus and paying for child care?  You may qualify for OSU Student Child Care Assistance.  CLICK HERE to access the application.  Applications will be due to the Family Resource Center by Friday, October 11th at noon.

OSU Student Child Care Assistance for Corvallis campus students is need based and can pay a portion of your child care expenses for the term. To learn more, call or email Kristi King:  [email protected] or 541-737-5499.

**Students with a stay at home parent, do not qualify for this child care assistance program.**

This Child Care Assistance is offered through the Family Resource Center and is funded through OSU Student Fees.  The assistance is separate from any other "child care" related assistance that a student may receive through the State or University such as ERDC/grants/loans/subsidies, etc.  If you are a student receiving other "child care" related assistance, you may still qualify for Child Care Assistance through the Family Resource Center. 

For examples of what a complete application looks like, please visit our office or click on one of the following links: Domestic student  |  International student


OSU Student Child Care Subsidy- Cascades campus

Students enrolled on the OSU Cascades campus may apply for the OSU Student Child Care Subsidy that is funded through the Associated Students of Cascades Campus.  You can find the online application through this website:


OSU Financial Aid: Cost of attendance revision- Corvallis, Cascades, E-campus & Portland

Through the OSU Financial Aid Office, students can request that their Cost of Attendance be revised to include their child care costs. Go to the OSU Financial Aid Forms webpage and click on the link for the "Cost of Attendance Revision".


ERDC:  Employment related Day Care- Corvallis, Cascades, E-campus & Portland

The name of this State of Oregon program is misleading, because as a student, you may qualify and you don't have to be employed!  

The State of Oregon has expanded the number of individuals that are eligible for “Employment Related Day Care” (ERDC), in part by removing the requirement for parenting students to work.  Parenting students may be eligible and qualify for assistance in paying for child care through the state, so long as the student is living in Oregon, needs care to keep going to school and is enrolled in courses.  To learn more about ERDC, including eligibility requirements, take a look at the ERDC website.  If you think you might qualify for ERDC assistance, you will need to be in contact with them directly.    

**Please note, ERDC assistance is through the State of Oregon and separate from any assistance that an OSU student might receive from OSU related to child care expenses, such as OSAC grants/awards, Child Care Assistance through the Family Resource Center, etc.  Parenting students must be in direct contact with the ERDC team and complete their process, to apply for ERDC assistance.**


Emergency LOANS- Corvallis, Cascades, E-campus & Portland

Business Affairs offers short term loans of up to $350.00. Only one emergency loan of any amount is allowed each term, and prior emergency loans have to be repaid before a new one will be issued. For more information visit their website.


Grants- Corvallis, Cascades, E-campus & Portland

The State of Oregon also has funds available for students to help with child care costs. For more information about the Oregon Student Child Care Grant please visit their website.


Scholarships- Corvallis, Cascades, E-campus & Portland

Check out the different scholarships available to student parents through the university.

NEW!  Vinson Memorial Scholarship- applications due by October 31st, 2023.