Kids Gift Closet
The Kids Gift Closet (KGC) is a long-standing initiative helping OSU families (parenting students and employees) provide gifts for their children throughout the year – during holidays, celebrations, and birthdays. The KGC is located in Our Little Village (OLV) in the lower level of Milne.
If you could use some assistance in being able to give a gift, please email [email protected] to set up an appointment with one of the Family Resource Center (FRC) staff members and shop in our Kids Gift Closet! There is no cost to you, to take home a gift for your child!
*Thanks to our generous sponsors, each year's gift closet is a huge success and we have many grateful OSU Families. You can give through our Amazon registry which ships directly to FRC, or bring in new, unwrapped gifts to Our Little Village in the lower level of Milne or to the FRC office in Champinefu. To learn more, please contact [email protected].
For a list of commonly requested gifts, click here.