Dixon Kits Early Care & Education Center

Dixon Kits ECE Center

425 SW 26th St
Suite 121
Corvallis, OR 97331



For general information and enrollment questions 

Lauren Stevens, B.S., Site Director

[email protected]


Dixon Kits Early Care and Education (ECE) Center serving infants and toddlers, OSU’s littlest Beavers!


OSU’s Family Resource Center, in partnership with Dixon Rec Sports and with support from College of Health and the school of Human Development and Family Sciences, has opened an infant/toddler campus children’s center serving twelve children ages infant through 30 months of age.  This center will serve OSU students and employees, and as space allows, surrounding community members. Dixon Kits is a CCAMPIS (Child Care Access Means Parents in School) designated program.  CCAMPIS is a federally funded program providing supports and services to qualifying parenting students.

Program Information

For the 2024-2025 Dixon Kits Calendar, click here.
Infant Classroom:
  • Available to children 6 weeks to 12 months old
  • Max group size of 4 children
  • We maintain a teacher to child ratio of 1:4 at all times
Toddler Classroom:
  • Available to children 12 months to 30 months old
  • Max group size of 8 children
  • We maintain a teacher to child ratio of 1:4 at all times


CCAMPIS eligible students will have a co-pay of $200/month per child. To be considered for a student program space you must be a degree seeking undergraduate, graduate or doctoral student, paying the student incidental fee, and consistently registered for and completing 6 undergraduate credits or 3 graduate credits. If you wish to further reduce your co-pay, please consider applying for ERDC (see the employee section below).


CCAMPIS Priorities:

Students will be selected based on their level of need with those demonstrating the highest level of need being served first. Priority will be given to those identifying with one or more of the following:

  • Pell grant recipient/eligible or annual family income is at or below the federal poverty guidelines
  • Undergrad
  • First Generation College Student
  • Single parent

In addition, students receiving a CCAMPIS slot at the Dixon Kits ECE Center must agree to participating in:

  • 3 Beaver Family Connections/HR Work-Life presentations per academic year
  • 6 Student Parent Connections meetings per year
  • 1 Family Resource Center social gathering or sponsored event per academic year
  • 3 additional OSU sponsored services outside of the Family Resource Center that supports academic success and/or parenting
  • Quarterly check-in with a designated Family Resource Center employee

The Dixon Kits ECE Center is focused on serving those with the highest level of need. Priority for the 4 employee slots will be given to those that qualify for Employment-Related Day Care (ERDC). The monthly cost of care at Dixon Kits ECE is $2,000. With ERDC, you could pay as little as $300 a month. To help you determine if you’d qualify for ERDC, we have listed the current eligibility requirements:

  • Each parent in your household must be working for pay
    • Those that have a parent also taking classes can still qualify, as long as they are also working for pay.
    • There may be exceptions if a non-working parent can't provide child care because of a medical or mental health condition, or if supervised contact is required by Child Welfare.
  • When you first apply, your income can't be above 200% of the federal poverty level (click here for current income requirements
  • For all requirements and to learn how to apply, please visit the ERDC website

The actual cost of care at Dixon Kits ECE Center is $3,200/month. To help alleviate the financial burden for all enrolled families, CCAMPIS and OSU funds subsidize all slots down to $2,000/month in tuition. For those that qualify for CCAMPIS (see student section) and/or ERDC (see employee section), co-pays will be determined by each of those funding sources.

Dixon Kits Early Care and Education Center is the first OSU campus child care center to prioritize serving those with the highest level of need. Because of this, we will be using our enrollment pool to serve families with the highest need, regardless of when they joined the pool. This differs from most other child care center waitlist processes where those that joined the waitlist first will be given the first opportunity to enroll. 

If we have exhausted our waitlist pool of those that meet the CCAMPIS and/or ERDC guidelines, we will reach out to those who did not meet the eligibility criteria based on when they joined the pool. These families will be responsible for the $2000/month tuition.

How to Enroll

Enrollment Pool Application

Dixon Kits ECE Center is the first OSU campus child care center to prioritize serving those with the highest level of need. Because of this, we will be using our enrollment pool to serve families with the highest need, regardless of when they joined the pool. This differs from most other child care center waitlist processes, where those that joined the waitlist first are given the first opportunity to enroll. If we have exhausted our waitlist pool of those that meet the CCAMPIS and/or ERDC guidelines, we will reach out to those who did not meet the eligibility criteria, based on when they joined the pool.

Dixon Kits ECE Center Staff


Lauren Stevens, B.S.

Site Director

Dana Westbrook, M.A. Ed.

Infant Lead Teacher

Olivia Hustace, B.S.

Toddler Lead Teacher

Makaela Falotico

Associate Teacher

Stephanie Wertz, B.S.

Associate Teacher

Dixon Kits Classroom
Dixon Kits Toddler Couch
Dixon Kits Classroom
Dixon Kits Playground
Dixon Kits Playground
Dixon Kits Playground
Dixon Kits ribbon cutting with Dan Larson and Amy Luhn
Dixon Kits Infant Classroom